Human-generated Content vs. AI-generated Content

James Henry

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Human-generated Content vs. AI-generated Content

Content is a crucial element in the marketing world, ranging from blog posts, e-books, infographics, and more. It serves as a means to reach and engage the target audience, enticing them with the offerings of products and services. Nevertheless, there remains a debate as to whether content created by artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human-generated content in marketing strategies. Keep reading to explore the insights that shape our stance. 

Difference Between Human-generated Content & AI-Generated Content

AI-powered algorithms generate articles across diverse topics by aggregating data from multiple sources, conducting thorough analysis, and subsequently generating informative content based on the gathered information. Conversely, human authors, equipped with their unparalleled access to a vast array of knowledge, possess the innate ability to delve into complex data in a manner that AI systems are unable to emulate. The human-crafted articles often incorporate subjective viewpoints and opinions, rendering them invaluable in specific scenarios where nuanced perspectives are essential.

How and Why AI-Generated Content Works
How and Why AI-Generated Content Works

The process of Automated Content Creation involves the utilization of Artificial Intelligence, where a Content Generator Tool generates content by leveraging its comprehension of existing content related to a particular topic. By studying articles, stories, and forum threads, the AI recreates content with its own spin. This approach allows for the creation of text, images, and videos that can boost your website’s content pool. However, the generated content may not always be perfect in terms of length, structure, or quality, which means that it may require some editing or refinement to ensure that it meets your specific needs.

Although some people responsible for website content management may be hesitant to use AI-Generated Content, completely ruling it out might not be the best decision. Evidently, the approach of Content Generation delivered favorable outcomes for 37% of businesses in 2019. Moreover, owing to the multitude of advantages provided by AI Content Generators, an increasing number of enterprises are embracing this technology. Interestingly, a staggering 86% of CEOs in 2021 acknowledged AI as a mainstream technology within their offices, signifying a rising acceptance and dependence on AI-generated content.

The AI-Generater Content Quality Can be Inconsistent at Times

The current stage of AI tools is primarily focused on development, and their content generation capabilities are constrained by the availability of existing data. Consequently, if your website already possesses a wealth of human-written content, relying solely on an AI tool may not yield fresh and distinctive outputs.

Furthermore, AI tools lack the innate capacity for creative thinking and heavily rely on human input to achieve such results. For instance, while an article explaining the mechanics of assembling car parts could be effectively generated, the tool itself would be unable to generate novel concepts independently (unless specifically programmed by a human). Additionally, due to the limitations of programming language, algorithms face challenges in producing entertaining or humorous content.

Humans Outperform AI in Innovation and Originality
Humans Outperform AI in Innovation and Originality

Humans possess a unique ability to grasp the creative process, which plays a crucial role in content creation. It’s not merely our empathetic and relatable nature that sets us apart from machines; we also possess a deep understanding of what drives us and how our lives intersect. Humans can effortlessly connect seemingly disparate ideas, something that machines cannot do independently.

This capacity isn’t limited to human-generated content alone; AI-based systems can also create original content based on user preferences or behavior data. However, such artificial intelligence usually lacks the human insight into the human experience that traditional journalism, which has been in existence for centuries, embodies.

Can AI Content Rank in Google?

If AI-generated content is relevant to the audience and closely monitored for plagiarism and accuracy, it has the potential to rank on Google. However, there is a risk of penalization if these tools are used to create spam or duplicate content. Google’s web spam team has their eyes on wholly generated AI content, making it crucial to fact-check and edit the content before publication.

It’s essential to use AI tools as an inspirational resource and not a complete human replacement. Delivering fresh and genuine value to users is crucial. With human editing and a second set of eyes, high-quality AI-assisted content that ranks well on Google can be created.

Can AI Content Rank in Google

The Importance of the Human Element in Writing

The superiority of human writing stems from their distinct cognitive processes and information-processing capabilities. Unlike machines, which rely on algorithms for content generation, humans possess the innate ability to differentiate between facts and opinions. This crucial skill allows them to produce content beyond mere data points and incorporates nuanced perspectives.

Conversely, humans possess a remarkable intuition regarding how individuals perceive and interpret various subjects and matters. They deeply understand what evokes laughter or tears and can cater to their audience’s emotional responses in their writing.

AI-Driven Tools Can Perform Better in Research and Analysis

AI-powered tools have emerged as invaluable assets for marketing research, customer profiling, and various analytical endeavors. These tools empower businesses to pinpoint the customer segments most likely to engage with their products or services, enabling them to craft customized marketing campaigns and strategies.

Moreover, AI-based tools play a pivotal role in deciphering customer preferences and interests, providing invaluable insights into the decision-making processes of consumers, such as their inclination towards quality or affordability. As a result, these tools offer a more holistic understanding of the target market, surpassing the capabilities of traditional methodologies.

Advantages of AI-Generated Content
Advantages of AI-Generated Content

Enhances Your Writing Ability

Using an AI Content Generator can optimize blog posts and aid Content Writers with grammar and writing style, resulting in engaging content. Furthermore, AI tools can personalize content to reach specific demographics within the target audience, a crucial aspect of modern content marketing. With the extended functionality of AI, businesses can tailor content to suit different clients or situations, making the writing process more efficient and effective.

High ROI and Cost-Efficiency

Adopting automated content creation empowers businesses to generate a significant word count with minimal exertion and resource allocation. Although the initial draft may necessitate editing to create a polished final product, the overall process remains remarkably productive and efficient, resulting in an increased content volume for the website. Additionally, leveraging AI content generators ensures the production of high-quality articles and contributes to cost reduction, making the content creation process more financially viable. Ultimately, this translates to a more enriched content experience for website visitors.

Instant Content Creation

AI Content Generators serve as a valuable source of raw material for blog articles or posts, eliminating the requirement for laborious research and brainstorming processes. Simply provide the tool with a topic or subject, and Content Writers can modify the AI-generated content to their specifications. Although the content may not be polished from the beginning, it contains powerful insights that can be molded to fit the user’s needs. Ultimately, the method provides a headstart on article writing, allowing human Content Writers to add creativity, ensure accuracy, and improve the content’s tone.

Downside of AI-Generated Content

Unnatural Content Delivery

An AI content generator can produce website content that may lack human-like flow and coherence. To ensure readability and appeal to both humans and search engines, a human editor should refine the content. Together, they can create the perfect balance of natural language and SEO optimization.

Lack of Creativity

Engaging articles require creativity to establish a connection with readers, who are more likely to share content that resonates with them emotionally. However, AI is limited to adding factual information to a pre-established outline and lacks the emotional intelligence to craft compelling stories.

Can’t Generate New Ideas

As AI tools utilize pre-existing data, they are incapable of generating original or fresh content. This limitation makes it challenging to produce new and up-to-date content that aligns with current trends and ideas.

Advantages of Human-generated Content


Crafting content to align with distinct audiences’ preferences and specific requirements is a distinctive capability of human-produced content. In contrast, AI-generated content tends to be more generic in nature, lacking the personal touch that enables seamless customization. Achieving an equivalent level of tailored content proves challenging in AI-generated content.

Marketing Potential

Regarding marketing and promotion, human-produced content emerges as a potent weapon, enabling companies to authentically exhibit their personality and values in a relatable manner that deeply connects with audiences.


Human-produced content offers the advantage of easier updates and adaptations to accommodate shifting circumstances or new information. On the other hand, AI-generated content often necessitates significant revisions to achieve comparable levels of accuracy and relevance.

Downside of Human-Generated Content

Downside of Human-Generated Content

Biased Opinions

One significant disadvantage of human-generated content is the potential for biased opinions to influence the content’s messaging and tone. As humans bring their own personal beliefs and experiences to their writing, it is challenging to entirely eliminate bias from the creative process.

Inconsistencies in Writing Style

When it comes to human-generated content, one significant drawback is that everyone has their unique writing style. This variability means that there is no guarantee that your message will be conveyed in a way that resonates with your intended audience.

Limited Scalability

Unlike AI-generated content, which can produce large volumes of content quickly and at scale, human-generated content is subject to constraints such as time, resources, and expertise. This limitation can make it challenging to keep up with the content demands of a rapidly changing market and maintain a consistent publishing schedule.

Humanizing the AI-Generated Content: Best ApproachesHumanizing the AI-Generated Content

Did you know that the Artificial Intelligence market is projected to grow to an astounding $641.3 billion by 2028? Undoubtedly, AI Content Creation Tools bring forth a multitude of advantages for businesses. Nevertheless, it is crucial to remember that the target audience remains human. While search engines hold significance, it is imperative for your content to establish a personal connection with readers to captivate them genuinely. Bear in mind that your audience seeks a meaningful bond, and it is your responsibility to deliver content that deeply resonates with their interests and requirements.

Use AI For Creating the First Draft

For writers, initiating the writing process from scratch can often pose as a major hurdle due to the daunting nature of facing a blank page while aiming to craft a 1000-word article. However, there is promising news: AI-generated content can serve as an invaluable “first draft.” By leveraging AI-generated content as a starting point, writers can overcome their initial writing challenges and seamlessly transition into the flow of the writing process by adapting and enhancing the existing content.

Add a Human Touch to Your Content

Infusing a personal touch into the content of your website plays a vital role in captivating readers. Human beings are naturally drawn to narratives and experiences that resonate with their own lives. While AI-generated content presents its merits, it inherently lacks the capability to convey personal anecdotes, making it arduous to create engaging material. Thus, it remains crucial to thoroughly review and proofread AI-generated text, supplementing it with human elements to enhance relatability and connection with the audience.

Maintain a Consistent Brand Voice

The brand voice you establish holds the utmost significance in shaping how your audience perceives your business. It encompasses the personality and emotions you seek to evoke in your customers. Incorporating casual language or slang could prove effective should approachability or humor be your desired perception. Conversely, if you aim for a more luxurious tone, adhering to a formal style becomes paramount. Maintaining awareness of your brand voice while creating AI-generated content guarantees consistency and fosters an authentic connection with your audience.

Apply SEO, But Prioritize Reader’s Interest

Creating impactful content that connects with your audience requires placing their interests and needs at the forefront. While implementing SEO tactics to enhance your search engine rankings is important, it should never come at the expense of crafting enjoyable and informative content. By prioritizing the creation of unique and valuable material, you can position your business as a trusted and reliable source of information, cultivating a loyal readership in the process.

Personalize Sales Content at Every Stage

In the realm of sales, personalization holds the key to securing conversions. Surveys indicate that a staggering 80% of shoppers favor brands that offer personalized experiences. While infusing a human touch into the sales and marketing funnel can be time-intensive, AI can be a valuable tool in automating this process. By harnessing data-driven personalization techniques, marketers can deliver customized content that caters to their customers’ unique interests and behaviors.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, determining whether human-produced or machine-generated content is the optimal choice for your business does not have a universal solution. Each approach has its own advantages and drawbacks. Combining both methods can yield optimal results. While AI can accelerate content creation, it still requires human oversight to ensure accuracy and relevance. Remember to maintain your brand’s voice and personality to humanize the content. Finally, have a writer or editor review the AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your intended context.

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